Chrome Yellow Font
About Chrome Yellow Font
Chrome Yellow Font is a Gothic font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 7,560 times and added to 132 collections. 6 people have liked Chrome Yellow Font and given it a thumbs up.
Chrome Yellow Font was recently updated on Mar 9, 2010
3 font family styles
Regular Style
Chrome Yellow NF Style
Chrome Yellow Inline NF Style
More info from Nick's Fonts
I came across the inspiration for this font on a Japanese website, and liked the basic rules. However, the designer of the original font stuck too close to too few rules, and a lot of the characters were rather odd-looking. I redesigned the font, allowing for a few exceptions, and came up with this. Named sorta after an obscure novel by Aldous Huxley, although the original spelling of the first word of the title is Crome, a house in England.