DejaVu Sans Font

About DejaVu Sans Font
DejaVu Sans Font is a Unicode font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 21,610 times and added to 146 collections. 7 people have liked DejaVu Sans Font and given it a thumbs up.
DejaVu Sans Font was recently updated on Jan 4, 2020
8 font family styles
Book Style
truetype 5285 glyphs 5633 characters
Oblique Style
truetype 4571 glyphs 5086 characters
Bold Style
truetype 5214 glyphs 5559 characters
Bold Oblique Style
truetype 4507 glyphs 5016 characters
Condensed Style
truetype 5275 glyphs 5633 characters
Condensed Oblique Style
truetype 4567 glyphs 5086 characters
Condensed Bold Style
truetype 5202 glyphs 5559 characters
Condensed Bold Oblique Style
truetype 4501 glyphs 5016 characters
More info from DejaVu
The DejaVu fonts are a font family based on the Vera Fonts. Its purpose is to provide a wider range of characters while maintaining the original look and feel through the process of collaborative development, under a Free license.
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License Info
Thanks for making fonts that have Egyptological transliteration glyphs, including the ains and alefs! Very useful for one attempting to learn ancient Egyptian, such as myself. 😄