DejaVu Sans Mono Font
About DejaVu Sans Mono Font
DejaVu Sans Mono Font is a Monospaced font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 12,502 times and added to 88 collections. 9 people have liked DejaVu Sans Mono Font and given it a thumbs up.
DejaVu Sans Mono Font was recently updated on Jan 4, 2020
4 font family styles
Book Style
Oblique Style
Bold Style
Bold Oblique Style
More info from DejaVu
The DejaVu Sans Mono typeface in particular is suitable for technical work, since it clearly distinguishes "l" (lowercase L) from "1" (one) and "I" (uppercase i), and "0" (zero) from "O", unlike the more widely available Monotype Courier New.
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