End Gamer Font

Gene Buban avatar

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About End Gamer Font

End Gamer Font is a Marvel font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 26,358 times and added to 564 collections. 60 people have liked End Gamer Font and given it a thumbs up.

End Gamer Font was recently updated on Jul 26, 2019

Regular Style

EndGamer Regular
truetype 27 glyphs 57 characters Dingbat
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    More info from Gene Buban

    The culmination of 11 years of cinematic comic book bliss, alas, it is the opening day of the highly anticipated Avengers End Game. This is a tribute to almost all of the characters taking part in the most monumental achievement of interconnected storylines in the Marvel Cinematic Universe spanning 22 films. The list of pixellated heroes:
    A: Antman
    B: Black Panther
    C: Captain America
    D: Doctor Strange
    F: Falcon
    G: Gamora
    H: Hulk
    I: Iron Man
    M: Captain Marvel
    N: Nick Fury
    P: Spiderman (Peter Parker)
    Q: StarLord (Peter Quill)
    R: Rocket Racoon
    S: Scarlet Witch
    T: Thor
    V: Vision
    W: War Machine
    b: Black Widow
    d: Drax the Destroyer
    g: Groot
    h: Hawkeye
    m: Mantis
    n: Nebula
    w: Winter Soldier
    !: Hulk Smash again!
    ...maybe more to come...?

    Source: https://fontstruct.com/fontstructions/show/1629444/endgamer

    License Info

    Creative Commons (by-nc-nd) Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives

    Commercial licenses

    Contact the designer to purchase a commercial license, if needed.

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    user avatar
    3 years ago


    user avatar
    3 years ago

    I see spiderman🙂