Frankie Font
About Frankie Font
Frankie Font is a Wavy font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 7,526 times and added to 145 collections. 4 people have liked Frankie Font and given it a thumbs up.
Frankie Font was recently updated on Sep 6, 2007
Frankie Style
More info from Dave Bastian
Mmmm! Hnnngg! HHHNNNNGG!!! A quick-and-dirty creation that came to life from the remains of something else I was working on, and seemed evocative of another monster...
If you want all your text aligned to the same baseline, use all caps. If you want something wackier, try the lower case characters; they're roughly 85% smaller than the upper case letters, and set at arbitrary distances from the baseline. Use it for Halloween flyers, or letters to the mother-in-law. Enjoy!