Startling Font

About Startling Font
Startling Font is a Spooky font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 21,577 times and added to 238 collections. 5 people have liked Startling Font and given it a thumbs up.
Startling Font was recently updated on Sep 6, 2007
Startling Style
More info from Dave Bastian
Take me to your leader! The genesis of this font was a reproduction in miniature of a cover from that old pulp Science Fiction magazine, "Startling Stories." I thought the masthead appealing, so I ventured to extrapolate an entire alphabet with only the characters A, E, G, I, O, L, N, R, S, and T as my guide. The result is a mixed bag that seems a heckuva lot more wacky than the venerable nameplate that sired this misbegotten font. Sets well at point sizes 18 and above.
Incidentally, I recently noticed that a very similar font, one also obviously modeled on the "Startling Stories" masthead, was used for the opening titles of that infectious, goofy 1989 film "Earth Girls Are Easy."