Hornswoggled Font
About Hornswoggled Font
Hornswoggled Font is a Wacky font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 3,924 times and added to 80 collections. 3 people have liked Hornswoggled Font and given it a thumbs up.
Hornswoggled Font was recently updated on Mar 21, 2010
2 font family styles
Normal Style
truetype 200 glyphs 208 characters
NF Regular Style
truetype 213 glyphs 224 characters
More info from Nick's Fonts
Here’s another wacky font that has been kicking around the web for awhile, sporting various names like Eglantine and Lounger. My version is cleaner, leaner and meaner, but no less cuddly, cute and loveable. The name? I looked at the uppercase W, and it kinda reminded me of a guy who’s been bushwacked, dry-gulched and, of course, hornswoggled.
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******THANK YOU, VERY NICE WORK*********