Magna Font

About Magna Font
Magna Font is a Art Nouveau font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 8,463 times and added to 359 collections. 7 people have liked Magna Font and given it a thumbs up.
Magna Font was recently updated on Mar 26, 2020
Black Condensed Style
More info from Hendrick Rolandez
MAGNA is a free typeface created in April 2012 and based on a "vintage" style. The typeface contains all main characters (from A to Z - capitals & lowercases are the same for the moment) and numbers (from 0 to 9).
The following pictures show you how are the height and the width of the typeface and some examples on how it could be included on a logo, photo or anything else.
This is a FREE typeface and it's authorized to use it for commercial works