Valkyrie Font

Valkyrie Font
Hendrick Rolandez avatar

Designed by

About Valkyrie Font

Valkyrie Font is a Serif font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 4,943 times and added to 239 collections. 7 people have liked Valkyrie Font and given it a thumbs up.

Valkyrie Font was recently updated on Mar 26, 2020

12 font family styles

Regular Style

Valkyrie Regular
truetype 189 glyphs 191 characters

Italic Style

Valkyrie Italic
truetype 189 glyphs 191 characters

Bold Style

Valkyrie Bold
truetype 188 glyphs 191 characters

Bold Italic Style

Valkyrie Bold Italic
truetype 188 glyphs 191 characters

Extended Style

Valkyrie Extended
truetype 189 glyphs 191 characters

Extended Italic Style

Valkyrie Extended Italic
truetype 189 glyphs 191 characters

Bold Extended Style

Valkyrie Bold Extended
truetype 187 glyphs 191 characters

Bold Extended Italic Style

Valkyrie Bold Extended Italic
truetype 188 glyphs 191 characters

Condensed Style

Valkyrie Condensed
truetype 189 glyphs 191 characters

Condensed Italic Style

Valkyrie Condensed Italic
truetype 189 glyphs 191 characters

Bold Condensed Style

Valkyrie Bold Condensed
truetype 187 glyphs 191 characters

Bold Condensed Italic Style

Valkyrie Bold Condensed Italic
truetype 189 glyphs 191 characters
    Free Download Share

    More info from Hendrick Rolandez

    Valkyrie is a new type family designed in 2013 mostly for top fashion brands and designers. This is a serif set of fonts based on thick and bold parts with geometrical elements in a modern style. With more than 186 glyphs per font (including punctuation marks and accented glyphs) for a total of 12 fonts, Valkyrie has been created to emphasize all kind of fashionable and luxury projects from photos to videos or branding & visual identity.

    This type family is totally FREE and personal and/or professional works using one or several fonts from Valkyrie are authorized. However you are NOT allowed to sell one font or the entire family as itself (e. g. online foundries).

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    user avatar
    almost 4 years ago

    Lots of problems with consistency with this font. Lots of letters have very obvious joins when viewed in a large size. Had to delete, it's not good enough to use professionally.