Quigley Wiggly Font

About Quigley Wiggly Font
Quigley Wiggly Font is a 1950S font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 123,359 times and added to 1,368 collections. 20 people have liked Quigley Wiggly Font and given it a thumbs up.
Quigley Wiggly Font was recently updated on Aug 21, 2010
Regular Style
More info from Nick's Fonts
Believe it or not, this font first grabbed my attention when I saw it on a toothpick wrapper. I searched the web and found a font very similar, called Bailey. However, Bailey had several characters that were obviously “filled in,” equally obviously by someone who didn’t have a clue as to what the rules of the font were. Those lapses have been corrected in my version, which screams the Fifties. The name? Well, I didn’t have a font that began with the letter Q …
I love this font. It's fun but still elegant. And very readable.