odstemplik Font

About odstemplik Font
odstemplik Font is a Cursive font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 132,088 times and added to 1,904 collections. 30 people have liked odstemplik Font and given it a thumbs up.
odstemplik Font was recently updated on Nov 20, 2009
2 font family styles
Regular Style
Bold Style
More info from gluk
Use [ and ] at end of words for ornaments.
License Info
Related Styles
Thank You.
Awesome Font! 😃
I'm having trouble downloading this particular ZIP on both my Mac and my PC -- both tell me that it is not a valid ZIP file. (All other downloads from this site work perfectly.) Is there any way the file could be re-uploaded to the site? I LOVE this font and really want it to work correctly!
Sorry Blustery,
i dont know what's hapened, but I download correct zip.
Re-uploading give nothing.
Maybe try now, or send me Your E-mail at: gluk@x.wp.pl,
then I send You odstemplik files.
Thanks for taking the trouble to include all those "extra" characters.
Really appreciate all the work that went into this font. Thank you!
great font 😄 using it for my first tattoo!
This is absolutely gorgeous! As Viperrific said, thank you for including all of the "extras" with this. It is very much appreciated. Thank you!
is it possible to have greek characters as well? thank you in advance.
822 characters, wow! Very nice work