Pokemon GB Font

About Pokemon GB Font
Pokemon GB Font is a Pokémon font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 164,860 times and added to 651 collections. 47 people have liked Pokemon GB Font and given it a thumbs up.
Pokemon GB Font was recently updated on Apr 4, 2010
4 font family styles
Regular Style
Japan HR Regular Style
Japan KT Regular Style
Pokemon Unown GB Style
More info from Jackster Productions
Replica fonts of the font used in the original Pokemon games for the Game Boy. This set contains:
Pokemon GB: From the English versions
Pokemon GB Japan HR: Hiragana from the Japanese version
Pokemon GB Japan KT: Katakana from the Japanese version
Pokemon Unown GB: From the original Gold and Silver versions
License Info
Related Styles
I now use this font on my computer for almost everything and it looks amazing! It has an Amiga-feel to it! Great work!
Oh my god...I'm such a nerd and this is amazing!
My friend used this for a school project and thought it was so cool!
Is there a way to add the Shiny symbol for the Gold, Silver and Crystal versions?
nice work