Vlaanderen Font
About Vlaanderen Font
Vlaanderen Font is a Gothic font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 8,904 times and added to 210 collections. 6 people have liked Vlaanderen Font and given it a thumbs up.
Vlaanderen Font was recently updated on Jan 6, 2011
7 font family styles
Regular Style
truetype 212 glyphs 217 characters
Vlaanderen Round NF Style
truetype 210 glyphs 216 characters
Vlaanderen Shadow NF Style
truetype 212 glyphs 217 characters
Vlaanderen Square NF Style
truetype 212 glyphs 217 characters
VlaanderenChiseled Style
truetype 174 glyphs 394 characters
VlaanderenRound Style
truetype 172 glyphs 394 characters
VlaanderenSquare Style
truetype 176 glyphs 394 characters
More info from Nick's Fonts
Patterned after an untitled work by Dutch designer André Vlaanderen from 1928. A curious combination of medieval and modern letterforms, this font comes in three flavors — Square, Round and Chiseled — each with its own unique nuances.
License Info
How very odd, but I do really like it. I'd like to write my next paper in this.